brain..!! hundreds of channel at a time

Sweet mother of God..!! don't know why it is so hard to shut your mind from thinks random stuff while sleeping . I swear to God this is most irritating think a person suffer from . And the worst part of it is that it make life some time crap , some thought are positive and nice but probability of  pity thoughts are more.And the most helpless condition when i keep giving order to it to go and sleep and its keep resisting me. Last night it is beyond of its limit , making me waked up till 4:27am . So its started like , i went to sleep after spending lots of useless time on chating on Facebook and Gtak . its around 11:45 and i feeling helpless sleep in my eyes and it is very hard for me to keep it open till....i lay on my bed and that's it hundreds of channel keep on changing in my mind , i guess every after 186 sec channel change creating indifferent stories . And about every after 62 sec i tries to command my lunatic brain shut up and sleep . but who gona win from women in fight and brain at night.. :P


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